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11th Annual Arts on the Ridge "Opening Minds & Hearts to the Arts"

"Opening Minds & Hearts to the Arts" is the theme of this year's Arts on the Ridge Festival to be held on May 5 & 6, 2017. Special events are being planned such as a Juried Art Show and Sale Exhibit at the Century House/Town Hall on Friday night and Saturday. There will be a Celebration of Student Art on Friday night with voting for People's Choice Awards with music and events in downtown Ridgeway. Saturday will include an Artist's Reception and Garden Party as well as a day filled with vendors and exhibitions, music and fun.

Posted on May 5th, 2017.

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Ridgeway Town Hall
Ridgeway Water Dept

170 South Dogwood Avenue
Post Office Box 24
Ridgeway, SC 29130
Town Clerk (803) 337-2213
MTTF; 8:30-4, Wed; 8:30-1:00

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