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Mayor Herring Salutes Ridgeway Female Entreprenurs

Mayor Herring Salutes Ridgeway Female Entreprenurs The Mayor of Ridgeway salutes the work of the female entrepreneurs in town with a photo opt. Pictured here are Sandy James, Darlene Embleton, Rosa Wittmeyer, Angelina Sarina, Robbie Martin, Tina Johnson and Karen Siegling. Missing from the picture are : Ida Davis, Dede Ruff, Carol Allen and Gwen Lenzen.

Posted on August 25th, 2015.

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Ridgeway Town Hall
Ridgeway Water Dept

170 South Dogwood Avenue
Post Office Box 24
Ridgeway, SC 29130
Town Clerk (803) 337-2213
MTTF; 8:30-4, Wed; 8:30-1:00

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