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Planning Commission Meeting

The Planning Commission will be meeting Thursday, August 8, 2022 at 6:00 pm to review and will meet and hopefully vote on the Design Overlay District Boundary. Below is the agenda for the meeting.

I. Call to Order/Welcome to Board of Architectural Review
II. Discuss Design Overlay District Boundary
III. Action: Vote on Design Overlay District Boundary
IV. Presentation by Brad Sauls, S.C. Archives and History, on Certified Local
Government Program
V. Discuss Next Steps on Zoning Ordinance Review
VI. Adjourn

August 4th, 2022

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Ridgeway Town Hall
Ridgeway Water Dept

170 South Dogwood Avenue
Post Office Box 24
Ridgeway, SC 29130
Town Clerk (803) 337-2213
MTTF; 8:30-4, Wed; 8:30-1:00

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