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Pine Tree Playhouse Presents Steel Magnolias

STEEL MAGNOLIAS opens on November 9 at Pine Tree Playhouse and is directed by Shane Moody.

"Laughter through tears is the best emotion!
I am so proud and excited to be a part of this show. Join me in experiencing Robert Harlings classic "Steel Magnolias" at Pine Tree Playhouse. Starring Dee Rollison Pullen, Becky Koeller, Lisa Cathcart, Deborah Rollison, Neely Thomasson, and Beth Mann Hughes this show is going to be one to remember!" Shane

Show dates:
November 9th & 10th - 8pm
November 11th - 3pm
November 16th & 17th -8pm
November 18th - 3pm

Tickets are $10.00 each

Reservations can be made in advance by calling Pine Tree Playhouse at 803 635 6847 or emailing

November 17th, 2018

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Ridgeway Town Hall
Ridgeway Water Dept

170 South Dogwood Avenue
Post Office Box 24
Ridgeway, SC 29130
Town Clerk (803) 337-2213
MTTF; 8:30-4, Wed; 8:30-1:00

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